Doctor Blade Systems
Allison Systems manufactures doctor-blade Systems for all Flexo and Gravure applications. Click below for more information.
Flexo Systems
Allison Systems manufactures replacement Flexo Systems for single-blade Flexo applications. These reverse-angle blade systems are operator and anilox friendly and will provide repeatable doctoring results job after job and can be adapted to fit most presses and applications. If required for operational flexibility, the fountain roll can be retained. For new installations, custom designs are available to fit most press conditions.
Gravure Systems
For today’s rotogravure applications, doctor blade control needs to be both fast and foolproof with no guesswork, mechanical problems, or start-up waste that is attributable to doctor blade performance. Often the doctor blade systems found in these applications, just do not offer the doctor force control, repeatability, position control, and quick blade change capability needed to avoid some big operating costs.

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220 Adam St
Riverside, NJ 08075